CPAB launches public consultation on proposed information disclosure rule changes
September 25, 2023
TORONTO, September 25, 2023 – The Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB), Canada’s public company audit regulator, today launched a public consultation to gather feedback on proposed information disclosure rule changes. CPAB has issued a consultation paper to solicit feedback.
The consultation runs from September 25, 2023 to November 24, 2023. Stakeholders are invited to submit a written response, complete a consultation survey (available here) or participate in 1:1 meetings with CPAB.
CPAB will collect and assess all stakeholder comments and publish the responses on its website. Any proposed changes will be outlined in a feedback statement made public on CPAB’s website.
In 2021, CPAB launched an initial consultation on potential changes to the information that we disclose about the results of our regulatory assessments. CPAB took the received feedback into account and published recommendations on changes to our approach to information disclosure, which were implemented in a phased approach beginning January 2023. The public consultation announced today is focused on the next phase of our recommendations, which involves changes to the rules that govern CPAB.
About CPAB
The Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB) is Canada’s independent audit regulator that oversees accounting firms that audit Canadian reporting issuers. CPAB promotes audit quality through proactive regulation, robust audit assessments, dialogue with domestic and international stakeholders, and practicable insights to inform capital market participants and contributes to public confidence in the integrity of financial reporting. CPAB has offices in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.
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For more information, contact:
Alexandra Galanis, Communications Manager
Canadian Public Accountability Board
Media Contact
Alexandra Galanis
Communications Manager
(416) 941-2506

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