Audit Firm
Suite 420 - 1501 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V6J 4Z6
(604) 714-1997
Suite 420 - 1501 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC
V6J 4Z6
Vancouver, BC
V6J 4Z6
- Mike Kao
- Sebastian Tang
- Alliance Mining Corp.
- Anonymous Intelligence Company Inc (formerly Cloud Nine Web3 Technologies Inc.)
- Atelier Meats Corp.
- Avanti Gold Corp (formerly Valorem Resources Inc.)
- Baroyeca Gold & Silver Inc.
- Canaf Investments Inc.
- Cosigo Resources Ltd.
- EnviroMetal Technologies Inc.
- EXI Ventures Corp.
- Forge Resources Corp
- Fort St. James Nickel Corp.
- GGX Gold Corp.
- Global Battery Metals Ltd.
- Goat Industries Ltd. (formerly Billy Goat Brands Ltd.)
- Granite Creek Copper Ltd.
- Great Atlantic Resources Corp.
- Horwood Exploration Corp.
- International Metals Mining Corp. (formerly Gold State Resources Inc.)
- Lexston Mining Corporation (formerly Lexston Life Sciences Corp.)
- Madeira Minerals Ltd.
- MegumaGold Corp.
- Metallic Minerals Corp.
- Metasphere Labs Inc. (formerly Looking Glass Labs Ltd.)
- New Destiny Mining Corp.
- New Energy Metals Corp.
- Quetzal Copper Corp.
- Safe Supply Streaming Co Ltd. (formerly Origin Therapeutics Holdings Inc.)
- Savannah Minerals Corp.
- Stillwater Critical Minerals Corp. (formerly Group Ten Metals Inc.)
- Tarachi Gold Corp.
- Valdor Technology International Inc.
- Ximen Mining Corp.
- XMachina AI Group Inc.
- Zimtu Capital Corp.
DISCLAIMER: The information in the firm profiles is prepared and maintained by, and is the sole responsibility of, the Participating Audit Firm to which it relates. Any questions pertaining to this information should be addressed to the Participating Audit Firm. CPAB makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of this information, and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damages suffered as a result of decisions made or actions taken based on the information therein.